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Interserve Creation Care Statement

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    God’s love extends over the whole of creation as His word says, The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
    the world and all who live in it
    (Psalm 24:1) Indeed, scripture shows us that;

    • God delights and rejoices in all He has made in creation – it is good (Genesis 1);
    • God speaks to his people through his creation (Psalm 19) as it shows His goodness, majesty and
    • God’s purpose is to bring healing and reconciliation to all of creation; his people and the planet
    (Romans 8)

    Interserve GBI believe that Creation Care is an integral part of our mission and sits comfortably within our
    fellowship value of wholism; so as we follow His mission with the global church in making disciples, that we
    demonstrate His love and care for people and the Earth.

    As a fellowship, we are in agreement with the Lausanne Cape Town Confession of Faith section 7, which
    speaks of the brokenness of persons, society, and creation. “All three are broken and suffering because of
    sin; all three are included in the redeeming love and mission of God; all three must be part of the
    comprehensive mission of God’s people”.

    In response, as God’s people in this Fellowship, we are called to;

    • Repent of our part in the over- use of the earth’s resources, pollution of the air, land and water,
    destruction of habitats and biodiversity and acceleration of climate change and our general
    indifference to the impact of our consumer-led lifestyle on the poor.
    • Celebrate God’s creation in our worship and daily life.
    • Commit to increase our knowledge of the pressures on planet Earth mentioned above, and of
    the urgency to act individually and corporately to make a positive difference in God’s world.
    • Commit to foster attitudes, skills and behaviours that lead us towards a sustainable lifestyle.
    • Grow our capacity and motivation to become more sustainable in our operations and within local
    ministry communities.

    To do this Interserve GBI commits to:

    • A plan of dialogue and review where National Office and GBI Country Team work together with
    Trustees, Staff, Partners and Associates to actively seek ways to improve our care for all of creation.
    • Encourage positive action for the environment in all parts of the fellowship via teaching and learning,
    development, sharing of resources and participation in environmental improvement projects and
    other activities. This is in line and with a focus towards our calling to making Christ known through
    wholistic mission.
    • Develop resources and a pattern for Fellowship prayer and worship which incorporates current local
    and global issues of sustainability, praise for the Creator and appreciation of His creation.
    • Recognise community participation as vital by engaging members of local culturally diverse
    communities in our sending, receiving and supporting churches with our Creation Care message.

    Thank you for commiting to praying

    Your prayers make a difference! Thank you for praying to see transformation in the lives and communities of Asia & the Arab World.

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