Bikes and Blessings

Interserve Partners in Southeast Asia share their experiences of receiving hospitality while riding with a team of dirt motorbike riders across the country where they… Read More


Sometimes we can spend years thinking we are not making much of a difference in people’s lives, yet nevertheless our Father graciously gives us seeds to sow, wherever we are, and reminds us that He brings the rain. Read More

Leading the way: meet our new International Director(s)

We are delighted to share that Interserve’s International Council has appointed both Lyn Pearson (currently Interserve Australia Partner) and our very own National Director Chris… Read More

From death to life: Chan’s story

Interserve Partners at a Christian hospital in Southeast Asia share the recent story of a young person in their care: Chan,* a fifteen year old… Read More

An Invitation to Shalom

Growing up, my home rarely saw a non-family member cross the threshold due to my father’s work. I still remember, shortly after coming to faith as a teenager, being invited into a new friend’s home and the experience of being served a home-cooked meal at their table. I felt very honoured by that family. Wrestling with faith as a student, I encountered a Christian couple who opened their home each week. A growing group of us ate together and then studied the Bible in small groups. The first time I stepped into their flat I was suspicious... Read More

What would you ask for?

An Interserve Partner in our Europe team recently shared the following story: If you had were a refugee who had left behind everything you owned,… Read More

God will make a way

An Interserve Partner based in Europe shares how God is at work in local migrant communities even behind the closed doors of a local detention… Read More

A willingness to obey

Experienced Interserve Partners Allen and Liz recently moved to a European city to serve refugees and asylum seekers with the ‘Peace House’: The hospitality spaces… Read More

A step of faith

James, a deputy headteacher from the East of England, shares how he responded to God’s call to spend his summer holidays serving refugees in Southeast… Read More

Engaging with Jesus’ call for every generation

It‘s Tuesday afternoon and I am sitting in the career adviser’s office. “Have you had any thoughts about what you’ll do at university?”, they ask. Read More