A Unique Voice

I remember it clearly. My simple stir-fry had opened up a genuine and open conversation with a stranger about my faith in a God who… Read More

Serving the Diaspora Church

I can’t now remember how I first met a South Asian female pastor in my area. It must have been six or seven years ago… Read More

Tears of Joy

An Interserve Partner shares a recent story from their ministry: I am going to visit Marcus and Rachel, two friends of mine from the Middle… Read More

Six ways to share Christ this Christmas

Interserve staff member Amy Durrant shares thoughts on missional opportunities to share the love and joy of Christ over the Christmas season: My husband… Read More

More blessed to give than to receive

Interserve staff member Adam Sibley reflects on the power dynamics of generosity and how we might consider ways to receive from others in order to truly bless those we serve. Read More

Dreaming of a Green Christmas?

Here at Interserve we are passionate about caring for the incredible world that God has given us. How can we make eco-friendly and sustainable choices… Read More

Conversations on the Playground

Joel, age 16, shares his thoughts on living in a British multicultural city where his parents work as Interserve Partners. Read More

Supporting Educators in Southeast Asia

Our family moved to Southeast Asia in 2019, hoping to work in education. When we arrived, as well as starting language and culture studies, we began researching the state of education and literacy in our host country. On paper, it doesn’t seem like there is any major problem with literacy here, with just 4% of the population considered illiterate (literally ‘letter-blind’). However, looking deeper, education outcomes are considered ‘poor’ nationally and we saw this again and again in different challenges faced by our neighbours and friends. Read More

Responding to a changing world

National Director Chris Binder reflects on Interserve's future strategy to respond to a changing world for the next season: "We have been reflecting recently at Interserve on the world that we find ourselves in, on our own journey as a Fellowship, and on what we sense God is doing in these times. Several areas have emerged that we believe we need to pay particular attention to for the next season. Read More

Partner Profile – Matt

Interserve Partners are people like you. Do you ever wonder where Interserve Partners come from, what led them to Interserve, what they do with Interserve… Read More