Community Host
Would you relish the challenge of prayerfully pioneering, leading and nurturing a resident community of Christians while experiencing day to day life in a multicultural area of a large UK city?
- Are you familiar with the joys and opportunities for growth living in a close community setting?
- Are you passionate about seeing yourself and those around you grow in faith as you daily walk alongside one another?
- Could you help to envision and equip the next generation in sharing the love of Jesus interculturally?
We are praying for and seeking the right couple/person to be our Community Host(s), to pastor the resident and transient community at our Community Hub.
This Hub forms part of our aspiration and commitment to living and working interculturally amongst the peoples of Asia and the Arab World; to see lives and communities transformed, as Christians build relationships with the people around them through community-based activities.
The site has been used to serve the local community for over 100 years. We are committed to continuing that history of service and to providing a place of welcome for all. The community hub site has a large building which is home to the resident community in one wing, office spaces in another, plus several rooms which are used for local community activities.
The Community Host role is key in helping to see the vision of the hub fulfilled. Living on site, the Community Host will provide pastoral oversight to all who come to live as residents, whether short or long term.
We are looking for a couple or single who:
- Has pastoral gifting,
- Is willing to see the main focus as creating a hospitable culture and being the anchor of the resident community,
- Has experience of working interculturally, along with the flexibility and sensitivity needed to be part of a diverse community,
- Is committed to maintaining a rhythm of prayer at the hub,
- Enjoys mentoring and supporting people as they explore and pursue a calling to intercultural and interfaith engagement.
Working Arrangements
Full–time (37 hours), split flexibly across the week and weekend, inclusive of time for other local community ministry. The flexible hours may allow space for part-time work to supplement income if needed.
In the short term (year 1), Interserve will consider providing support until the person(s) are established and able to raise the necessary level of support. By the end of the first year the person(s) in this role will be expected to raise their own support. We provide guidance and coaching for those who are support raising.
If you are interested in finding out more or would like an informal chat about this post, please contact our office on 03333 601600 or email sends e-mail)
Closing date is 1st March 2022