Global Migration: Our Response

Follow the call of God to love migrants in your community and beyond.

Global migration is a complex and sometimes divisive issue. How do we respond to migration in a Godly way? How does God view migrants? What should I do about the migrants living in my community? As followers of Jesus, these are all questions we need to wrestle with.

Ultimately migration is about individuals and families and communities. God loves each one and calls us to do the same.

At Global Migration: Our Response you will:

  • Hear from members of the Interserve community who are serving among migrants in the UK and overseas.
  • Explore how your Church could reach out to migrants in your community in a sustained, transformational way.
  • Grow your knowledge of global migration and what our biblical response should be.
  • Ask questions and share ideas with others who have been working with migrants in the UK and overseas.

Join us on the 28th of March, 730-9pm over Zoom.

Register your place by filling out the form below.

Registration Form

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If you would like to join Global Migration: Our Response, please fill in this registration form. 

Prior to the event, a Zoom link will be emailed to you.