Interserve Partners are people like you. You might be thinking about where Interserve Partners come from, what led them to Interserve, what they do in Interserve and what skills they use. Our Partner Profile series is here to help you find out more about our Partners and to help you in your journey of following the call on your life.
What were you doing before you became an Interserve Partner?
Working as a nurse in developing countries and in my passport country, in short to medium-term posts both secular and faith-based.
What led you to become an Interserve Partner?
Whilst discerning whether to pursue development-based (NGO) or mission-based work, I was observing the mission agency approaches on the field and seeing a range of differences in teamwork, mission approach and pastoral care for mission partners, all of which, along with some medium term experiences with mission agencies pointed me towards ISV. I had already worked with several different mission agencies for short and medium-term commitments. I sought an agency that would appreciate my professional vision and enable me to serve with my professional skills- that is very important to me. Additionally, I was at that time single, I wanted a team that had other single mission partners, as well as other teammates from the UK, but I did not want a team that was predominantly one culture or one church background. Our team has over 15 nationalities and I see this as a strength.
What did you do to prepare to become an Interserve Partner?
Well, I had quite a bit of cross-cultural experience already. I met with Interserve mission partners and personnel staff in the home office and was encouraged to do more Biblical mission training, which I did. I also had spiritual mentors to talk with and prayer partners who all helped me in preparation. I also was strategic with professional skill preparation and God greatly blessed me with work opportunities for skill development.
What do you do, and what skills do you use as an Interserve Partner?
I am a nurse educator, teaching, tutoring, mentoring, coaching and discipling our national staff in the mission hospital where I serve. I teach clinical skills, leadership and management skills, and also give supervision to senior nurses to help them develop their teaching skills. I disciple and encourage staff how to read the Bible, how to share their faith within work and at home. I have acquired some skills in spiritual coaching and member care, which I bring to the international mission community, including our team.
What is the best thing about being an Interserve Partner?
Team support and pastoral care, especially if a crisis or big challenge comes along. The diversity of cultures within our team helps me to be more culturally sensitive and overcome differences and helps me have more insight into working with national colleagues in the country where I serve too. Interserve support my home-based finances and working with churches too for their support. I appreciate the freedom from Interserve to use my professional skills to bring blessing and serve the Lord in this way, rather than having a lot of Interserve team requirements or agendas.

Are you interested in serving?
There are opportunities for almost anyone to serve. We serve as Teachers, Operations Managers, Midwives, in friendship-building, sports coaches, serving the homeless, in maintenance, working with people who have been trafficked, IT technicians, counsellors, creation care, fundraising, media communications, vets – the list goes on!
You bring your skills and experience and we will discern together what God is calling you to and where He is placing you.
To find out more and start your journey click this link: Long Term – Interserve