Serving Refugee Schools

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    When considering a short-term mission trip, it is important to question whether the placement has potential to drain the resources of the hosts and project rather than constructively collaborate and encourage. Schools can often positively host short-term workers, utilising a breadth of giftings in ways which support the existing staff and students. I believe my six months working part-time in a refugee school testifies to this.

    Although I was initially hesitant that three mornings a week may not be enough hours, I was grateful for plenty of time to process and adjust to life in the Middle East. My school had been running only four years, giving me the chance to contribute as they formed and found a rhythm. However, this also meant there was no volunteer programme in place and I was required to take plenty of initiative. Initially, I sat in on English lessons, observing the class dynamics and grasping a feel for the needs of the school. From there, I began to slowly take sections of a class, growing in confidence to experiment with my own ideas.

    As the weeks passed, I enjoyed bringing English, music, art and drama lessons to the children. I mimicked the methods and techniques I’d seen demonstrated in my own Western education, some of which the students responded well to, others which were less effective cross-culturally. It was an incredible blessing and hugely satisfying to worship God and feel his sustaining hand when providing these children with fresh opportunities and supporting the teachers in their work. I often had to deal with challenging behaviour, yet by God’s grace I became better able to view these situations with compassion, realising much of this stemmed from past trauma, lack of positive role models or hunger, leading to shortened attention spans. Across my time abroad, I was connected to a network of other Interserve partners who prayed and uplifted me in the highs and lows.

    If you have a passion to share the love of Christ with children, a willingness to be flexible and challenged, I highly recommend exploring your options for placements in schools with Interserve. 

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