Transformation through God’s creation

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    How Anna’s* background in agricultural research is enabling God to impact communities living in rural Central Asia.

    Cows may not be the first thing that come to mind when you hear the word ‘mission’! And yet here I find myself running ‘The Cow Project’, a training programme that encourages better management and care of cows, which in turn improves quality of life not only for the cow but also for the family that depend on it for their livelihood.

    Cows are such an important part of the country’s rural economy. 65% of the population live in rural areas, and about 50% of the work force depend on agriculture for their living. Most households will have one or more cows, which is the main source of income for the home. ‘The Cow Project’ was introduced in a village 400km east of the country’s capital with the aim of increasing milk production through knowledge, practice and increased efficiency in using the resources that farmers have access to. My team and I have completed more than a dozen seminars on various aspects of cow husbandry, and these have been well received.

    Over time, I have learned that projects taking place in the village cannot be separated from other aspects of the trainee’s life, and that of their family. This includes their faith journeys, and ‘The Cow Project’ is no exception to this general tendency. Recently, we celebrated the news that one of our trainees joined our Father’s family and I have reflected that it may not be what we do but rather how we live that has greater impact on the communities we serve in.

    *name changed

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