An Interserve Partner in our Europe team recently shared the following story:
If you had were a refugee who had left behind everything you owned, but then heard that a friend could bring one item to you.. what would you ask for? This is what happened to our friend, Mr M.
A friend of his was travelling from the country where he had lived, and en route had a four hour layover in Germany. He would be only a few hours train ride from the camp where Mr M is now staying. So Mr M asked him to bring his most precious possession: his Bible, which had helped him through so many tough times.
Unfortunately Mr M is not allowed to travel far from the camp. So instead this amazing friend changed his flight time to allow for a longer layover, travelled several hours by train to meet Mr M and give him the Bible, and then took the train back to the airport to catch his ongoing flight. Such devotion to the Word of God – and such loyal friendship – brought tears to our eyes.